Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR)2024-12-04T22:36:49+07:00Himatul Aliyahhima.kimia99@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR) is a peer-reviewed journal that covering the general topic of multidisciplinary science based on islamic studies and tasawuf. The mission of Journal of Jagad Alimussirry is to provide comprehensive, authoritative, critical, and readable reviews of important recent research in all of mutidisciplinary science. In addition to the general reviews, the journal focusing on themes or direction of emerging research. </p> <p>JISR provides immediate open access to its content to all reader. Additionally, this journal published twice a years in May and November. This journal collaborates with Penerbit Jagad Alimusissry </p> <p><strong>JISR is Nationally Accredited by Kemristekdikti. </strong>The journal is classified into national's 5th highest cluster for reputable journal in Indonesia. No SK: <a title="SK akreditasi JISR" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">164/E/KPT/2021</a> </p> <p> </p> the Attitude of Contentment (Qonaah) to Avoid Consumerism in the Era of Self-Reward2024-11-29T10:38:26+07:00Febrianty Kumalasarikumalasarifebrianty@gmail.comNailatin<p>The phenomenon of self-reward has become increasingly prevalent in modern life, which tends to be materialistic and often drives excessive consumer behavior. This concept, initially intended to reward oneself after achieving certain goals, can become a justification for a consumerist lifestyle where happiness is measured by material possessions. In a modern era filled with social pressures and consumerist temptations, the attitude of <em>qonaah</em>, or contentment with what one has, becomes an essential solution. <em>Qonaah</em> helps individuals manage excessive desires, reduce stress, and maintain financial balance while fostering gratitude and simplicity. From a spiritual perspective, <em>qonaah</em> strengthens one's relationship with God and brings deeper inner peace. Additionally, the Sufi approach, which teaches <em>qonaah</em>, plays a key role in avoiding dependency on material things and cultivating spiritual well-being. In the context of psychotherapy, developing the attitude of <em>qonaah</em> also has a positive impact on mental health by reducing social pressures and enhancing life satisfaction. This journal aims to examine how the attitude of <em>qonaah</em> can be applied as an effective strategy in overcoming excessive consumer behavior, especially in the era of self-reward, through a combination of Sufism and psychotherapy.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR) Fake Hadith And How to Research Them in Digital Space2024-11-22T09:02:13+07:00syabrowi<p><em>This article examines the understanding of false hadith and how to research it in the digital space. Along with the rapid development of technology, hadith can be found in various digital media. However, not everyone is able to be careful in distributing hadith. It is not uncommon for wise words to be claimed as hadith when in fact they are false. This kind of phenomenon is certainly a concern, which is why this article was written. The method used in this research is a qualitative method, namely utilizing references in the form of books, journals, and other research. The results of this study show that false hadith are words, actions, and provisions that are made up and then attributed to the Prophet. Contemporary scholars say that the first forgery of hadith occurred during the time of Caliph Ali. Nowadays, hadith research can be done on digital media such as smartphones. Among digital media features in smartphone that can be utilized are the hadith application al-Jami' kutub al-Tis`ah and the website. If the hadith being studied is indicated as a fake hadith, it certainly cannot be found in the application.</em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR) Literacy and Differences in Scholars’ Views on Nasab Ba’alawi : Understanding the Historical Context 2024-11-21T11:22:39+07:00Ajrun 'Azhim Al As' Nur Mustika<p>This research aims to explain the different points of view of several scholars about the history of Nasab Ba'alawi, which is circulating on social media, especially on Tiktok, and discuss that the media has a significant role in disseminating information, especially about Nasab Ba'alawi. The research method used is qualitative with virtual ethnography. The informants in this study are Gus Baha in the @Gopar account, Prof. Quraish Shihab in the @Renanda account, and Gus Yahya in the @NU Online account on TikTok. This research was conducted on November 06-November 13, 2024. The data collection technique uses participatory observation, digital document analysis, and digital footprint analysis. The analysis techniques used are content analysis in accounts and digital network analysis. The results of media literacy research help Muslims understand, choose understand, and choose information related to scholars' different views about Nasab Ba'alawi. Every scholar has a way and method of expressing his views regarding the history of Nasab Ba'alawi. Gus Baha, Prof. Quraisy Shihab, and Gus Yahya are three examples of scholars who give the opinion that the history of Nasab Ba'alawi is a Nasab connected to the Prophet Muhammad SAW.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> <em>Media literacy; Nasab Ba'alawi; Scholar; History </em></p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR) Israiliyyat in Classical Exegesis: A Comparative Study of Tafsir al-Tabari and al-Tha'labi2024-11-22T21:58:21+07:00Ahmad Najibul Firdausnajibulfirdausahmad@gmail.comAbd.<p>According to Ibn Kathir and Ibn Taymiyyah, Tafsir bi al-Ma'thur is the method of interpretation that is closest to the truth and is more obligatory to follow. This is because Tafsir bi al-Ma'thur distances interpretation from personal thought and uses narratives from the Prophet, Companions, or Tabi'in as its reference sources. This research employs a descriptive-analytical approach, including library research, with data sourced from literature-based references, as well as verifiable research, to re-examine the principles and methods of interpretation that have developed in relation to contemporary relevance. In this context, Tafsir bi al-Ma'thur, which is considered the closest to the truth, actually contains <em>Israiliyyat</em> narratives that should be a focus for further study. </p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR) Teachings of Sattariyah Tariqa in Islamic Manuscripts in The National Library of Republic of Indonesia: Study of Text and Translation2024-11-26T14:22:45+07:00Syamfa Agny<p>Abstract. The Sattariyah order was originally spread in Aceh by a Sufi named Abdurrauf bin Ali al-Jawi al-Sinkli (d. 1693) in the 17th century, and in the following century the Sattariyah order spread from Aceh to Java. The objectives of this study include (1) To find out how philological studies are carried out on the texts of the teachings of the Sattariyah order contained in the national library, (2) To find out how the Sufi teachings contained in the texts of the Sattariyah order teachings. This study uses a qualitative data analysis method with philological theory and hermenological theory. The method is carried out through several stages, namely collecting text data, presenting data, reducing text, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study stated that the teachings of the sattariyah tarekat contained in the PNRI 628 manuscript contained the intention of prayer and other worship. Readings in prayer and after prayer, genealogy of the Sattariyah tariyah order, dhikr and intention of sunnah prayer, Wirid prayer, procedures for dhikr, various disciples, shahada problems, spirit, benefits of reading bismillah, praise and prayer problems, and self-problems.</p> <p> </p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR) of Islamic Education Management during the Era of Caliph Ustman Bin Affan in the Modern World2024-12-04T22:36:49+07:00Djoko Hartonoidlohmail@gmail.comAulia Innayatul 'Ainiauliainnayatulaini20@gmail.comPutri Handayanihandayaniputri1809@gmail.comAlifia Puteri Fi Hidayatillahputerialifia10@gmail.comSilvy Eka Wijayantisilvy9845@gmail.comNadila Alfina Nur Fitriyananadilaalfina9@gmail.comIntan Nur Ainiaini80563@gmail.comRoudlotul<p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The history of Islamic enducation began when the Prophet Muhammad SAW was appointed as an Apostle, then continued with Khulafaur Rasyidin. These leaders really understand that education is the main key to building a strong, civilized and advanced society. During the time of Khulafaur Rosyidin there were developments in Islamic education, especially during the time of Ustman bin Affan.</p> <p>The purpose of writing this article is to find out the implications in managing Islamic education during the time of Ustman bin Affan in the modern world. The method used in writing this article is the review papers method. During his leadership, Ustman bin Affan implemented a popular and simple model of Islamic education. Form groups of students</p> <p>As an educational object, various methods are adapted to each group. Ustman bin Affan's famous work is the Book of the Koran which is usually called the Ottoman Mushaf. During that time he played an important role in creating the educational curriculum. For these implications, he is still relevant in the thoughts and policies applied to Islamic education and this can be used as a reference for the development of the Islamic education system in the modern era.</p>2024-11-30T00:00:00+07:00Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Intellectual Sufism Research (JISR)