Heterogeneous Classroom Management Strategies Through Culturally Responsive Education


  • miftahul alam al waro' airlangga university
  • Hafidhotul Amaliyah Airlangga University




The cultural complexity of students in urban areas has influenced schools in the teaching and learning process. Classroom management becomes a concern for educators in managing a heterogeneous class. This becomes one of the important tasks for teachers in creating and maintaining an effective classroom condition. On the other hand, if the heterogeneity of students is not managed properly, it can become a source of various problems in the class. Starting from bullying, uncontrolled learning atmosphere, even attitudes of antipathy towards diversity that trigger other negative attitudes such as discrimination and injustice. This study aims to determine the teacher's strategies in managing a heterogeneous class. This research method uses a qualitative approach and applies the method of library research using sources from Google Scholar, Sage, Garuda, and books. The analysis technique used in this research is content analysis. The results of this study obtained strategies for managing a heterogeneous class, namely 1) the Teacher's understanding of equality and equity, 2) Self-understanding in relation to others, 3) the Teacher blending into the students' world. So when teachers face a heterogeneous class, they can use these three strategies to create an effective and conducive heterogeneous class.


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